Monday, January 23, 2012

Jenny Elaine's Bio and Blog

Every filled canvas has become something more then a flat or lifeless thing…as the heart and soul of this artist is revealed through her work. Each line from her pen or stroke from her brush is a word being spoken, and a feeling being expressed. Each piece that is created tells a story about something…and surely about the creator herself.

Every lace drawing that Jenny Elaine creates is both intricate and complex. Each piece has perhaps 10,000 strands of ink…which are the experiences and feelings that flow from the pen of a Navy brat. A person who has perhaps lived a couple of other people’s lifetimes, in her one complex life of 54 years.

Her artistry comes from a million places. The beginnings being very diverse…

Growing up in a family that was both military and transient, made it lonely and hard to endure for a child having to attend so many schools. Moreover, a life like this has a way of following a person…it does not let go easily. In fact, it becomes a part of how you think and feel…and in Jenny Elaine’s case, create.

The ride of life has taken her many places unexpected. So, her art-venture has taken her on a similar ride…which is apropos, because it was born out of many places and experiences as well. This is why she has created, and will most likely continue to create, something from not just one, or even two, genre of art.

She has been asked why she doesn’t stick to doing just one or two types of artwork…but it’s hard to pick when she has had the opportunity to see so much and experience so many kinds of creative expression. From attending ballet, drama, oil painting and Hawaiian Hula lessons as a kid…to professional clown classes and being in a Troupe as an adult. Then from not only teaching children for over 30 years, but also living and visiting everywhere from Connecticut to Hawaii, then Mexico to Canada…then to Europe - it is just to difficult to not want to try new things!

Jenny Elaine c

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